The W.O.W.

The Women of the World are astounding! The references to their being the “weaker sex” are so wrong.

Like snowflakes, women are each unique and beautiful. Yet unlike snowflakes, they don’t melt when things heat up, instead, they strengthen, harden, and bond.

Although there will be holes in my list, here are a few examples of female strength:

  • Hebrew women held tribes together.
  • Viking women were either caretakers of the realms back home or warriors beside the men.
  • Female warriors held together tribes and countries in Africa.
  • Recent protests in Iran have proved that women won’t stay in the background.
  • The Black women in America are unstoppable forces for justice.

In my world, I’m blessed to know incredible women. Each one unique, she:

  • is a math professor, speaker, text book author and test editor,
  • is an artist with both paint and camera,
  • has run an international broadcasting organization,
  • has managed a hundred medical personnel, walked the Camino, trekked Patagonia and climbed to Mt. Everest base camp, and in her off hours plays in a symphony orchestra and volunteers in soup kitchens,
  • survived childhood abuse and created a million dollar company,
  • simultaneously cared for three children, both aging parents and manage a real estate career,
  • started a new business in her twenties and became an industry award winner in her thirties,
  • owned an award winning capitol hill restaurant in her twenties,
  • built a seventy million dollar company starting with a $500 van and early morning deliveries,
  • funds schools in Africa, supports two dozen children and earns recognition from her university as an outstanding graduate.
  • is one of many other woman with other equally astounding characteristics.

I’m very fortunate to have had strong women walk this earth before me. I’m grateful to have them walking beside me now. I’m delighted to watch the women walking behind me. They all just make me want to say, “Wow!”

Acknowledging Women’s History Month in my country, and International Women’s Day on March 8, 2023.

For a joyous sound, listen to Ottmar Liebert’s Three Women Walking.

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